The hardest part of change is starting. That might sound overly simplistic and obvious, but it’s not. Often we spend so much time in the planning stage that we never actually implement the actions. Planning is great, but if you find that you spend all of your time planning, but rarely accomplish your goals, take a step back and see if you’re avoiding change. Explore what’s holding you back. Is it fear, ignorance (not always a negative, just a chance to learn something new), or lack of the proper tools? Whatever the hindrance, identify it and work past it.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Life management insights, strategies, hints, ideas, and tips from Dr. DClutter™.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
No Procrastination!!
Procrastination is evil!! Okay, that may be a bit on the side of dramatic, but it probably got your attention and made you think about it. Procrastination doesn’t allow you to enjoy life’s precious moments because you’re too concerned about avoiding the present or worried about the past. It keeps you in a state of flux. That’s not a fun place to be.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, September 28, 2009
Think back to the last behavior you wanted to either start or stop doing. How much time did you spend debating with yourself over whether you’d do it or not? Did you spend as much time physically trying to change the habit? Probably not. Self-debating, coupled with self-doubt are sure ways to defeat change. Work on conquering those and change is more likely to come. Of course, you have to have a sincere desire and will, paired with an honest effort and a great deal of actual work.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, September 25, 2009

Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Alone in the Crowd
If someone only wants to be around you when you’re a super happy person, even in their presence, you’ll still be alone because it’s not the authentic you that is being valued.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Flawed People Welcomed
I embrace my flaws and people, who like me, admit to having flaws. People who purport to be perfect or try to hide anything that would make them appear as less than perfect, must have a truly difficult time and must expend a great deal of effort to maintain that false sense of being. I do well in many things; okay in some and not so great in others. It’s what makes me uniquely me. Embrace your many sides.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, September 21, 2009
Just for Fun
Sometimes I observe the funny things that people do and ask why they did those things, just for fun. Have you ever left home without an umbrella when you already know it’s raining? Ever noticed how you either pretend you’re not bothered by the rain, even when you’re soaked? Ever noticed how others try to “out run” the rain? That just makes me chuckle.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, September 18, 2009

Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Plan to Live
Goals are great as they are a road map or plan to help you live your life more effectively. Goals, should however, never become so binding that you spend more time on them that you don’t get to enjoy the actual benefits of the fruits of your planning. Plan to live!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Balancing the Scales
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Psychology of Willy Wonka
I absolutely love Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the updated and very funny, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too. I loved the last one so much that I used it as a part of a social psychology class that I taught. Seriously. The students were skeptical at first, but after viewing the movie and discussing the thought provoking questions I raised (yes, they were thought provoking), they fully understood and appreciated the lesson. Okay, that was not my reason for writing today, but this post was inspired by the first version of the movie. At one point in the movie, Willie Wonka says, "We have so much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it". Wouldn't it be nice if the first part was true and we had all the time in the world to get all of the things we need done? Well, we don't, so make sure that you are a great task/time manager. Yeah, I know. I went a long way for this post, didn't I?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Special Edition!!

I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Pure Life
I honestly believe that I could glean inspiration and a life lesson from a rock (or in this case a label). There are two empty bottles of Nestle's Pure Life water beverages (Raspberry and Orange Splash, respectively) on my desk today (they are bound for the recycling bin). The labeling inspired me to think about if I was living my life in its purest form. Although I strive to have the best, most positive (there's that word again) and most fruitful (ha, a play on the label-I'm on a roll) experiences, I fully understand that circumstances and choices can bring adversity into life in an instant. The "trick" is to make certain that you don't remain in any place, situation or relationship that hinders you from living life in its purest form.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, September 7, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009

Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Positively Positive
I know that I focus on positivity a great deal, but the alternative is to focus on negativity and that's just plain old not fun. Here's a new way of thinking for you: Decide that you will remain positive until and unless you are forced to be negative. You will then make every attempt to prove that negative belief to be false. Yes, yes, I'm saying negativity is not allowed. Yes, yes, again, I could have just said that at first, but where's the fun in that?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Strive for Five
I love getting up and out early to exercise because the city is still quiet and peaceful. Since exercising alone is not the most exciting thing in the world, so I play a game while I'm out. I Strive for Five. No I don't mean fruits and veggies (although that's important too, but that's another post), I mean I strive to have at least five human interactions while I'm out. Sometimes it's a "good morning" or maybe a "hello". On occasion it's simply a smile and a nod (hey, it's hard to talk and run at the same time, so it's acceptable). Once in a while it's a wave or a nod of the head. Whatever the gesture, I strive for five. Of course you can strive for more, but at least challenge yourself to interact with at least five humans a day. Doctor's orders!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
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About Me

- Dr. DClutter™
- I am Dr. Darnita L. Payden, Executive Director/Owner of Dr. DClutter™ Life Management, a division of PreciousOnes™ LLC. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and over 20 years of experience working to help clients discover their strengths and talents. Having worked as a therapist, college professor, grief specialist and trainer, I have encountered in my journey many of the issues my clients may face. I have a sincere desire to help you find clarity, organization and independence in your life and environments. I know that life can be hectic, but I desire to help my clients bring as much order, peace and enjoyment back into their lives as is possible. What separates me from the norm? I focus on the client from a holistic perspective. I realize that most people desire a functional and an organized life, but may simply need support, understanding and information about why they have the habits or tendencies that have led to disorganization. I do not perform “quick fixes” or provide “one-size-fits-all” guidance, but I strive to provide strategies to my clients that will be life changing and useful for a lifetime. Dr. DClutter™ is a name well earned!!
Dr. D. Clutter’s™ Publications
- Simplify. Simplify. How to Declutter Your Life
- Clutter Makes You S.I.G.H.™
- Declutter-Four Benefits of an Organized Life
- Dr. D. Clutter’s™ 21-Day Journey to a New You
- Dr. D. Clutter’s™ One-Day-a-Week Guide to a Year of Random Acts of Kindness (plus 20 extra days, just in case)
- Dr. D. Clutter’s™ Wiseisms and Truthisms™ Daily Inspirations, Observations and Humorous Musings
Blog Archive
- Identification Necessary!!
- No Procrastination!!
- Tug-of-War
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Alone in the Crowd
- Real People
- Flawed People Welcomed
- Just for Fun
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Plan to Live
- Balancing the Scales
- Lilacs
- The Psychology of Willy Wonka
- We Remember
- Special Edition!!
- Circumstances
- Pure Life
- Labor Day
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Only for A Time
- Positively Positive
- Strive for Five
Four Benefits of Organization