Life management insights, strategies, hints, ideas, and tips from Dr. DClutter™.
Friday, January 29, 2010
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.
Dr. DClutter™
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Dual Purposes
I love items that can serve dual or even multiple purposes. Do you remember the stair stepper that came with the Jane Fonda workout? Well, if you don't pretend that you do and follow along with me (here's a visual aid to help you). I'm currently using mine as a footrest in my office. Wait, does that count since I'm not using it to exercise? Don't judge me (SMILE); I said I love items that CAN serve dual or multiple purposes, not that I had to USE said items for EACH purpose. I digress, but if you can have multiple uses for your favs, imagine the space and money you could save, not to mention the clutter you could eliminate. Also, in my case, I could even lose a few pounds by using mine, but that's for another day!!
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How Did I Get Like This?
I'm guessing that based on the title, you thought this would be a post about some mistake in my life or possibly a regretful moment. It's neither. I just wanted to share experiences that helped shape me into the person I am. I plan to make it an ongoing series of posts, but I'd love to hear your stories as well. Okay, I've written about this before and I'd like to share more of those fond memories. Both of my grandmothers were strong, hard working, family oriented women. They seemed to make due with the things they had, without ever giving the impression that it was never enough. In hindsight, I know that they struggled, but I honestly never heard either of them complain about it. They both had a great appreciation for the items they'd acquired and took great care of them, but there was always a sense that they were just "things". Their homes were neat and orderly, but when it was time to let go of "things", both did, seemingly without pain or regret. Neither seemed to have an unnatural attachment to "stuff". Once an item had served its purpose and could not be repaired, it was discarded. I believe that taught me a valuable lesson and gave me great insight and perspective on clutter. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things and plenty of them, but I understand that life is about more than the things we collect. It's about family and fun and giving and helping to make another's life a little better. I know, this is starting to sound a little sappy and I'm glad it is. Take the time to remember the "sappy" moments in you life.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Slow Starter?
Some days it's all I can do to pull myself from bed to face my to-do list. Do you ever feel like an old battery on a cold winter's morning? You know the feeling, slow to turn over and get going? What do you do to get past the feeling that you need a "jump"? For me, it's thinking about how far behind I'll get if I don't "attack" the day's tasks and get moving. That thought, coupled with the fact that my body's internal clock is stuck on 4:30 am, both work to help me remain motivated. Although, on some days, I admit, I allow myself to hit the "snooze" button and say it's okay to relax and enjoy a little "loafing". The one caveat to the story-it can't become a habit!!
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Monday, January 25, 2010
A Room with a View
Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Sharon!!
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.
Dr. DClutter™
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Delete, Delete, Delete
This is a simple, but effective attack to conquer the clutter that lurks in your inbox. Just as you would for paper mail, you need to be decisive with each email that dares to land in that coveted space-the inbox. Simply put, you will follow these easy steps for each email you open: Read It and Delete It; or Read It, Act on It and Delete It or and Read It, Act on It and Save It. Notice the difference between the options? Only the last one requires you to save it. Sadly, this is where many of us fall short. Instead of deleting, we simply save everything that comes in. Then, when we need to find an "important" email, we have to search through hundreds, if not thousands of emails that promise the funniest story of the day, the latest sure fire way to become rich (don't believe that one), or ways to lose weight without exercise or diet (don't believe that one either). Well, never more if you simply decide what to do with each email as you read it, your inbox will never become that place where emails live forever. Happy deleting!!
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
This is a truly simple tip that will help you stay ahead of clutter-GO-G2 and stands for Get One-Give Two. It's a hugely popular concept with my clients and class participants, mainly because it's so profoundly simple, but highly effective. This works best if you've already reached a functional level of organization, but can used if you're still trying to get there. So, the next time you allow anything into your space, remember to GO-G2.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Use Your Inside Voice
I was given what I thought was a strange compliment while standing in the line at the grocery store the other day. I was on my cell phone and when I was done, a gentleman in line behind me said, "I hope this doesn't sound strange, but I couldn't hear a word of your conversation". My face must have shown my confusion because he continued, "That's a rarity. I'm used to hearing everything everyone says on their cell phones, but standing just a few inches away from you, I couldn't hear a thing".
Cell phones are great tools for life management and keeping in touch with friends, family and business colleagues, but…do people have to hear every word of your conversation? This is especially true when I find myself "trapped" in a small space with no way to exit-mainly an airplane. I was recently on a flight and there were two people seated behind me, both "business people" as evidenced by the multiple references to deals, deadlines and projects. From the airport waiting area, where, they paced and talked and talked and paced, through the tunnel and until they reached their seats, they talked-loudly. While we waited for the plane to taxi down the runway-they talked-loudly. As soon as the plane landed and the announcement was made that we could once again use our cell phones, they started again-loudly. Now, I'm not saying that it's not their right to conduct business wherever and however they please, but it would have been nice if I and the entire plane did not have to hear about the deals that fell through. Please, let's all remember to use our "inside voice".
Dr. DClutter™
Cell phones are great tools for life management and keeping in touch with friends, family and business colleagues, but…do people have to hear every word of your conversation? This is especially true when I find myself "trapped" in a small space with no way to exit-mainly an airplane. I was recently on a flight and there were two people seated behind me, both "business people" as evidenced by the multiple references to deals, deadlines and projects. From the airport waiting area, where, they paced and talked and talked and paced, through the tunnel and until they reached their seats, they talked-loudly. While we waited for the plane to taxi down the runway-they talked-loudly. As soon as the plane landed and the announcement was made that we could once again use our cell phones, they started again-loudly. Now, I'm not saying that it's not their right to conduct business wherever and however they please, but it would have been nice if I and the entire plane did not have to hear about the deals that fell through. Please, let's all remember to use our "inside voice".
Dr. DClutter™
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dr. King's Dream
Today we celebrate the birthday of a historic figure, Dr. Martin Luther King. We are a country that has celebrated great change in the last year, so let's not stop now!! Take the time to remember Dr. King's dream and also make the world a much better place than it was last year at this time. Dream on-still!!
Here's the address for a You Tube video of Dr. King's, "I Have a Dream" speech:, or simply type "I Have a Dream" in your search engine.
Dr. DClutter™
Here's the address for a You Tube video of Dr. King's, "I Have a Dream" speech:, or simply type "I Have a Dream" in your search engine.
Dr. DClutter™
Friday, January 15, 2010
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.
Dr. DClutter™
Thursday, January 14, 2010
No Paper Zone
Do you remember some years ago when there was much discussion about a paperless society? Well, that day has yet to materialize, so until it does, we still have to deal with paper. Just as I've written about the need to make a decision about each piece of physical or electronic mail that dares enter your space, so do you have to be diligent about each piece of paper that "finds" its way into your home or office. If it's not critical to your life (home, health, auto or life insurance polices) or business (receipts and contracts), does not somehow make your life easier (manuals and warranties) or does not absolutely melt your heart (love letters and the like), let it go!! Of course, this is not an all-inclusive list, but a general road map. You'll have to decide what is most important to you, but keep this in mind as you do-EVERYTHING can't be important-you have to let go of most papers that you receive.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Help the People of Haiti
We've all heard that every little bit helps. That's especially true for our fellow brothers and sisters in Haiti today. Please donate to help the victims of the devastating earthquake. Whatever the amount will be more than appreciated. Don't think that a "small" donation won't help. Your "small" donation, combined with another person's "small" donation becomes a "big" donation. Please, give what you can.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
To Shred or Not to Shred
At a recent seminar I taught, the question about what should be shredded was widely debated. Some said they shredded everything that had any identifiable information on it, while others voiced that they only shredded "critical" information, mainly anything with a social security or account number on it (because so much of our private information is already available on the Internet-sad, but true). I have to admit that I'm from the camp of if it has ANY identifiable information about me on it, it meets the steel teeth of death or at least have a date with a dark permanent marker. It's a personal decision, but know that the criminals only need a few pieces of information to "assume" your identity and paper theft is still widely practiced. Sadly, not everyone will be as diligent about keeping your information private, so with something as innocent as your name and address, someone could possibly steal your identity. My belief is that it's best to be overly cautious, but you will have to decide your level of "shred worthiness". Thoughts?
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I love to travel, but am not a huge fan of hotels rooms; hate to pack, but love to unpack. Yes, it's a strange set of contradictions, but I embrace my eccentricities. I will never be a carry-on bag kinda person-it's an impossibility. Even if I could manage to get all of my clothes and personal airline approved items into a carry-on (will never happen), I would still need a separate bag for my travel linens-yes, I am that person who takes her own sheets, mattress covers, blanket, towels and wash cloths (this is probably where you're thinking TMI, but I'm a sharer). I've had one too many hotel horror stories of unidentified stains, or mattresses that have morphed from the original white to a hideous shade of brown or red, or found substances that should only be found in a lab, in my hotel room. Don't even get me started about hotel bathrooms. I've seen one too many 20/20 undercover investigations where the infamous black light was used, or spoken with one too many hospitality managers (present and former) who tell of "reusable" bedspreads and towels-yuck!! This may be true at the highest of high-end hotels or best budget friendly motels-it's all equal in my eyes-it doesn't discriminate. My family often jokes and I agree, that I leave a hotel room cleaner when I checkout than it was when I arrived. Now, please don't berate me and tell me how hard hotel workers work-I'm keenly aware of that and appreciate the effort. That's why I make their jobs easier wherever I stay. At least for the duration of my trip, they have one less room to clean-I don't use maid service during my entire stay; the "Do Not Disturb Sign" stays on my door for the duration of the trip. When I'm ready to leave, I leave a nice note that none of the linen or towels were used and that the room has been sanitized from top to bottom. Whether they chose to "reclean" after I leave, well, that's up to them. Happy travels!!
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Monday, January 11, 2010
First Class
Thank you to those of you who attended the seminar on Saturday. It was a great time and I hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did. For those who would like more information about this great company, please visit and tell Deb Leopold I sent you!!
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Friday, January 8, 2010
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Thursday, January 7, 2010
If you say you're going to do something-do it. If you don't really want to do something-don't say that you will and then change your mind at the last minute. It's not fair to those who depend on you. Commit.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Missed It!!
Have you ever wanted to participate in an activity or try something new, but waited for the "right" moment? Well, what happens if that moment never comes? Don't procrastinate in exploring because you might find that the moment has passed you by.
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Grudge Match
I've found that I was my most forgiving self as a zygote. Since then, it has become increasingly more difficult to recapture that forgiving spirit. When I was a child, I held on to a grudge as if it was the last piece of candy in the jar or my favorite toy-tightly and for as long as possible!! As I've aged (I sound as if I'm talking about a piece of cheese), I try not to hold on to offenses AS long. I would love to say that I'm in a place of total enlightenment and that I forgive freely and quickly; yes, I'd like to say that, but I can't. I can say that I'm getting better everyday and the time it takes for me to forgive is getting shorter and shorter. What about you? Are you moving forward toward forgiveness or holding on to grudges as tightly as ever? In a grudge match, there are no real winners, only losers. Now, for those of you who did not pay attention in class, there's a link to a definition of a zygote at the bottom of the page. I won't scold, laugh or mock you for not having paid attention in class!!
Dr. DClutter™
Dr. DClutter™
Monday, January 4, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!! You survived 2009!!
I'm taking this day to spend with family and friends. I hope you enjoy this repost-with a few edits. I'm looking forward to spending this year with you as we take this journey through 2010!!
Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ will return on January 8, 2009.
Dr. DClutter™
You survived 2009!!
You survived New Year's Eve and are surviving this New Year's Day; so give yourself a well-deserved rest, but don't rest too long. Okay, that's long enough!! What's on your mind today? Well, I'm really thinking about goals especially after the big "no resolutions" pep talk (see the January 1, 2009 post).
So why do we put so much pressure on the first day of the New Year? Well, it's because it's a "blank-slate" type of a day. The year is new, we feel revitalized and we don't have any failures (or what I call successful failures, but more on that later or read my books) to weigh us down. I love the New Year, but why not decide to change because it's Friday, it's May or because you truly want to change? That's the best time to "resolve" to change. By taking change gradually, in stages, you'll give yourself multiple opportunities for success. So follow these steps and see where they take you. Set your goals. Write them down and post them. Tell others about them. Don't be shy-share. Be specific (no generalities allowed here). Be realistic (you cannot lose 50 pounds by February, or at least you shouldn't). Give yourself time-specific frames for achievement (and revisit weekly or monthly to evaluate your success or successful failures). If you break your commitment to change into smaller components (goals), they won't seem as daunting and overwhelming.
Now get to goal setting!!
Dr. DClutter™
Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ will return on January 8, 2009.
Dr. DClutter™
You survived 2009!!
You survived New Year's Eve and are surviving this New Year's Day; so give yourself a well-deserved rest, but don't rest too long. Okay, that's long enough!! What's on your mind today? Well, I'm really thinking about goals especially after the big "no resolutions" pep talk (see the January 1, 2009 post).
So why do we put so much pressure on the first day of the New Year? Well, it's because it's a "blank-slate" type of a day. The year is new, we feel revitalized and we don't have any failures (or what I call successful failures, but more on that later or read my books) to weigh us down. I love the New Year, but why not decide to change because it's Friday, it's May or because you truly want to change? That's the best time to "resolve" to change. By taking change gradually, in stages, you'll give yourself multiple opportunities for success. So follow these steps and see where they take you. Set your goals. Write them down and post them. Tell others about them. Don't be shy-share. Be specific (no generalities allowed here). Be realistic (you cannot lose 50 pounds by February, or at least you shouldn't). Give yourself time-specific frames for achievement (and revisit weekly or monthly to evaluate your success or successful failures). If you break your commitment to change into smaller components (goals), they won't seem as daunting and overwhelming.
Now get to goal setting!!
Dr. DClutter™
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About Me
- Dr. DClutter™
- I am Dr. Darnita L. Payden, Executive Director/Owner of Dr. DClutter™ Life Management, a division of PreciousOnes™ LLC. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and over 20 years of experience working to help clients discover their strengths and talents. Having worked as a therapist, college professor, grief specialist and trainer, I have encountered in my journey many of the issues my clients may face. I have a sincere desire to help you find clarity, organization and independence in your life and environments. I know that life can be hectic, but I desire to help my clients bring as much order, peace and enjoyment back into their lives as is possible. What separates me from the norm? I focus on the client from a holistic perspective. I realize that most people desire a functional and an organized life, but may simply need support, understanding and information about why they have the habits or tendencies that have led to disorganization. I do not perform “quick fixes” or provide “one-size-fits-all” guidance, but I strive to provide strategies to my clients that will be life changing and useful for a lifetime. Dr. DClutter™ is a name well earned!!
Dr. D. Clutter’s™ Publications
- Simplify. Simplify. How to Declutter Your Life
- Clutter Makes You S.I.G.H.™
- Declutter-Four Benefits of an Organized Life
- Dr. D. Clutter’s™ 21-Day Journey to a New You
- Dr. D. Clutter’s™ One-Day-a-Week Guide to a Year of Random Acts of Kindness (plus 20 extra days, just in case)
- Dr. D. Clutter’s™ Wiseisms and Truthisms™ Daily Inspirations, Observations and Humorous Musings
Blog Archive
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Dual Purposes
- How Did I Get Like This?
- Slow Starter?
- A Room with a View
- Happy Birthday Sharon!!
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Delete, Delete, Delete
- GO-G2
- Use Your Inside Voice
- Dr. King's Dream
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- No Paper Zone
- Help the People of Haiti
- To Shred or Not to Shred
- Travel
- First Class
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Commit
- Missed It!!
- Grudge Match
- Don't Stop!!
- Happy New Year!! You survived 2009!!