As a child, I felt so much happiness, coupled with unabashed excitement of the impending day when it was nearing my birthday. My mother always baked a cake for me and despite the fact that they were often lopsided (you try baking with 2 or 3 sons in the kitchen and see how well your cakes would look), I loved them. There were usually just a few people at my “party”, mainly my mother, grandmother, and brothers and on occasion, a cousin or friend. But it felt as if I’d had one of those Hollywood type parties celebrities throw for themselves; lavish, festive and memorable. I would tell anyone that my birthday was coming or was here (it was a kinder world then). But then a strange thing happened as I got older; my “happiness” was replaced by gratefulness. I don’t feel those child-like emotions or even get excited about my birthday anymore. Instead, a strong feeling of gratitude for the blessing of another birthday has replaced those more outwardly visible emotions.

I don’t worry or concern myself with the fact that I’m a year older, or that I’m aging; I’ve never been concerned with getting older or finding the fountain of youth. My fountain springs eternal, internally. Does that make sense to you? It makes perfect sense to me. I embrace that I’m getting older (and hopefully, wiser)!! So, there will be no lopsided cake this year. My grandmother is in heaven and my brothers, cousins and friends are living their lives, so there won’t be a “party”. Despite all of the changes, it’s still a great birthday.

Well, it’s off to the spa to be pampered, then to a tranquil place to watch the birds, planes and boats. Then there’s dinner (Mommy’s still hanging in for that). Wow!! What a great birthday and I’m so GRATEFUL!!
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