Here's my disclaimer: I am certainly not saying that the two experiences are the same, but they do have a few commonalities. The spouse of an inmate can often suffer from the shame, guilt and stigma from society due to the incarceration of their spouse (sometimes guilt by association). The CD (cluttered and disorganized) may also have feelings of shame and guilt at having allowed life to spiral out of control and the stigma of being seen as "dirty", "a slob", "irresponsible", "late" or "unprepared". Both can experience loneliness because of isolation from family and friends, but the CD's isolation is usually self-imposed, because of the state of their physical surroundings and life. Both can suffer financial hardships; the spouse due to possibly becoming the primary source of income and the CD because of the lost income associated with having to pay repeatedly for items that can't be found or used or lost wages due to tardiness or absences. It's a sad state no matter what the circumstance. But, thankfully, there's hope in both situations. One day the inmate may come home and family reunification may occur. For the CD, seeking help and reclaiming control of surroundings and life can bring peace, relief and a second chance at living an organized life.
Dr. D. Clutter™
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