The telephone rings, you check the caller ID and decide not to answer. The doorbell rings, you look through the peephole and then pretend you’re not home. What do these two things have in common? You’re trying to avoid the person on the other end. Do you have someone in your life who is a toxic friend? You know the type; the person never has a good or positive word to say. The sun never shines in her life, so she’s always in a negative state of mind and wants you to join her. He never gets the “breaks” so every experience is a negative one and he wants you in that angry, dark place with him. She brings your joy quotient down every time you’re in her presence. He just exudes unhappiness and wants you to feel the same way. These are toxic people and you should avoid them at all costs. It’s our nature to want to help people feel better and that’s not a bad thing. The problem arises when you give so much of yourself to someone who willingly “takes” all that you have, but offers nothing to help you in return. They’re toxic and you should run the other way when they seek to pollute your day.
Dr. D. Clutter™
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